

Thank you for deciding to purchase one of the teachings from Rebecca Greenwood and Christian Harvest.

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In this teaching, Becca discusses God as the gardener or vine dresser of the True Vine. He cuts off and takes away branches that do not bear fruit in our lives. He prunes, purges, and cleanses of impurity even the branches that continue to bear fruit, to make them bear more, and more excellent fruit.

This explains why some of us go through trials. Maybe we have been in a great spiritual place of growth and acceleration, but at some point God will take us through some experiences as if what He has given us is being taken away, to cause us to go higher and deeper in Him. Or maybe God asks us to do something that others have no understanding of and that seems different or contrary to the world around us. Others do not understand and might even question us or mock us for what we are doing.

We are now His friends. No longer servants out of duty, but His friends. He can confide in us. The Holy Spirit can share with us what the Father and Jesus are saying and doing. Pray and ask in Jesus name and it will be given to you.

SKU: V14-30 Category: Tags: , ,


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